ONE LOW FAT FEE - Starting at Only $12!
Over 100 Million+Searches Per Month |
Help and Guidelines.
If you have questions regarding your QSubmit Featured Listings, please consult the FAQ's below. If they do not answer your question please contact support (at) with your problem. No help information is provided below for the Rapid Paid Inclusion program which is relatively straightforward. If you have questions about Rapid Paid Inclusion, use the email address noted above. To ensure a quick response regarding either program, please use a relevant subject and include the email address you submitted under, your url, any error messages you encountered and a clear explanation of your problem.
Featured Listing FAQ
Q. What is a Featured Listing?
A. A Featured Listing is a paid listing where you pay a flat fee for an ad box that will appear in the right column of our search results.
Q. How long is my listing active for?
A. Your ad will remain active unless automatic renewal is cancelled, and you will be billed every 3 months or 1 year (depending on the term you selected at time of purchase).
Q. How much do I pay per click or impression?
A. There is no pay per click or impression charge, just the single flat fee per listing.
Q. How long does it take for my ad to be displayed?
A. Your ad will be added to our search results for the keyword phrase you selected within 6 to 8 hours.
Q. Why doesn't my ad show up every time I search my keyword phrase?
A. We limit the number of listings that can be purchased and rotate the listings that are displayed so that each ad is treated equally, and has an equal chance at appearing at the top of the featured listings. This means that your listing should appear a minimum of one out of every three searches on that keyword phrase.
Q. Is my ad displayed the same way on all search engines in the QSubmit paid inclusion network?
A. No. On most engines, your ad will appear as a Google-type ad box in the right column of search results, but on some engines, it will appear as a Recommended Listing above regular search results or in the right or left columns of search result pages. Additionally on some of the directory sites your listing will only appear if your keyword phrase matches one of their directory categories.
Q. If I buy a Featured Listing for my website, will my listing also appear in the regular search results of QSubmit and the other engines in the QSubmit paid inclusion network?
A. No. Featured listings and regular listings are totally unrelated. For your website to appear in the regular search results of QSubmit, or any of the search engines associated with QSubmit, you need to submit to each engine separately. In most cases, submission is free.
Q. I've looked and still can't find my ad, where is it?
A. If you completed the submission of your ad and it is not being displayed in our search results after 8 hours for your selected keyword term, contact support (at) Please provide us with the name and email address that you used to purchase your ad as well as your URL, the keyword phrase you selected and any order numbers we sent to you.
Keyword Selection Tips
The selection of your Keyword or Keyword Phrase is perhaps the most important step in the purchase of your QSubmit Featured Listing and essential to your listing's performance. Please review the following tips and guidelines when selecting or modifying your keyword choices:
Rolling Selection System
The QSubmit 'Rolling Selection' System gives every listing the same chance of appearing in the Featured Listing section of the QSubmit search results for the selected Keyword or Keyword Phrase.
By randomly selecting the Featured Listing that gets the top placement every time that keyword is searched, we create an even playing field for all Featured Listings that have selected that keyword. Since we limit the number of listings per keyword or keyword phrase to 30, your listing should appear on average as follows:
- Keyword Terms sold 10 or fewer times will be displayed every time that keyword term is searched.
- Keyword Terms sold between 11 and 20 times will be displayed on average one out of every two times that keyword term is searched.
- Keyword Terms sold between 21 and 30 times will be displayed on average one out of every three times that keyword term is searched.
Note: If you have selected a term that is sold out or almost sold out, your listing will be randomly displayed for every search of your keyword term. On average the number of times your listing is displayed should follow the outline noted above. However, this may not be apparent if you are running test searches to verify the randomization on QSubmit alone.
Your selected keyword term(s) and listing(s) are randomly rotated across our entire network of search engines and may be appearing in the search results of these other engines even if they are not appearing in QSubmit results.
1) Titles are limited to 30 characters, site Description to 100 characters and URL length to 255 characters. Character limits include spaces and punctuation. There are also limits on the number of uppercase letters that can be used.
If your destination URL link is too long for the URL form field, use a shortened version (such as your homepage URL) that is within the character limit.
2) Be concise, clear and accurate in describing your site. Your ad text and keywords should directly relate to your site content. Be sure to mention the business, product or service you wish to promote.
3) Avoid repetition, excessive capitalization and superlatives that are subjective in nature like "Top Rated", "Best Service", and "#1".
4) Be sure to check spelling and to use proper grammar and punctuation.
5) Your ad must NOT have offensive or inappropriate language.
6) QSubmit does NOT accept Featured Ad listings that include content, services or products that are: